Shajee Hamid Hanfi

Head of Legal

Mr. Hanfi is a lawyer and an advocate of the High Courts in Pakistan and handles all regulatory and legal matters, which includes drafting refinance agreements and rendering advise on routine legal matters involving PMRC and its stakeholders. He holds an LLB from University of London International and completed his LLM from the College of William and Mary in USA where he graduated as a valedictorian and top of his class. He has been involved in various leadership roles including the Student Bar Association in USA and Member of the Law Society. Mr. Hanfi specializes in corporate and commercial law and has experience in laws involving financial institutions and corporations. In addition, his experience includes mergers and acquisitions, conventional and Islamic modes of financing, debt instruments, securities, due diligence and regulatory compliance. Before joining PMRC, Mr. Hanfi had worked with leading law firms in Pakistan.

  • Fax
  • +92(21)35633365
  • Registered Address
  • Finance & Trade Center, 4th Floor, Block-A, Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi -74400, Pakistan.